Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Heavy rain fails to dampen spirits at the 1st Blazer

Despite being held exclusively in the summer months, the Blazer has a habit of bringing the weather with it. The first race of 2010 was no exception, as persistent drizzle from late afternoon, turned into heavy rain come the early evening! A fast paced race, fell-running specialist Matt Crane blitzed round the course in a time of 21.21 (which must be close to a course record!). Meanwhile, our own Matt Ellis lost his 100% off-road record, despite clocking a time of 22.47 (which would usually win most races). Felix McGrath ran a solid race for 3rd place in 23.09 - an improvement of some 20s from last season!

In the ladies race, Emma D'Alton fought a great battle with Robyn Golding, with Emma prevailing in a time of 25.29, with Robyn just behind in 25.31. 3rd place was Grace Crane who was a minute or so further back.

I am sure full results will be available here.

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