Monday, 26 July 2010

Harriers lose grip on Mob Match Trophy

The latest Avon Inter-Club Mob Match took place last Friday, on the Towpath course and a record turn-out saw Clevedon AC regain the title they last won 2 years ago. Westbury - the defending champions - turned out a strong team, but it was not enough to get near the winners, who fielded all 28 counters in the top 100.

For the Harriers, Chris Palmer had a great run, finishing 13th in a time of 35.17, holding off Anthony Glover, one place back in 35.32. Gregg Ward ran 36.08, with David Hobbs 31st in 37.09. Colin Johnson ran 37.51, Ewan Kilgour 38.11, Bob Pringle 39.02, Ray Hooper 39.09, Alex Miller 39.38 and Jane Khan 39.56. Tony Jeffries ran 40.15, Ian Ruck 40.29, Tamsin Chick 41.47, Geraint Torrington 41.52, Mike Harris 43.40, Jullian Bailey-Gard Snr 43.58, Sian Jones 45.15 and Rod Naughalty 45.41. Next home we had Richard Hughes in 46.19, Zoe Wildgoose 48.08, Roger Long 48.54 and Hayley Johnson in 49.04. Anneka Bull ran 50.08, John Percival 51.18, Kay Ridgwell 55.18, Jill Anagnostakis 55.42, Paul Mooney 56.50 and Eithne Noonan 56.57.

Great running everyone!

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