Sunday, 10 October 2010

Terry leads home the Harriers in Gwent League Opener

John Terry ended up the surprising team-leader in the Gwent League opener at Bridgend. With Sam Dalgleish and Gregg Ward both in the line-up and running well, it looked like there would be a strong showing from the Harriers in the traditional curtain raiser to the season.

Unfortunately for Sam he turned his ankle on the second lap and had to pull out, whilst in a battle for a top 10 placing. Meanwhile both Gregg and John started steadily on lap 1 and found themselves in the mid 50s, before pushing through the field during the second lap. A nasty tumble, nearly finished the race for Gregg, but luckily he was able to continue, although his stride was clearly broken. John closed down a few more people on the final lap to finish 31st in 35.35, nearly 2 and a half minutes quicker than last year! Gregg meanwhile finished just a few places back, 37th in 36.00. Robin Phillips and Colin Johnson fought a great battle, with Robin just prevailing in a time of 37.50 for 70th place, with Colin one place back in 37.51. Completing the A team was Jullian Bailey-Gard Jnr in 38.51.

In the B team we had Tony Jeffries, fresh from his exploits in the Gloucester league the day before finishing in 179th, Mike Harris in 189th, Jullian Bailey Gard Snr in 206th and William Rhodes in 266th.

Full details to follow when results available!

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