Sunday, 3 April 2011

Opposite ends of the scales...

but with similar lackadaisical approaches, Anthony Glover made his track debut for the 2011 season, whilst over in Sussex John Terry tackled the marathon. Juggling family and running is never easy, but Anthony took this to new extremes arriving at the track and registering 2 minutes before the 12 noon start time and using the 200m jog round to the back straight as a warm up Anthony ran 10minutes dead for the 3k. He then quickly took his family back home, returning in time for a 5 minute warm up prior to the 1500m, which he completed in 4.43.

Meanwhile over in Sussex, John Terry went in search of a 3.10 marathon time, that would secure his entrance into the 2012 London Marathon. Only tackling 20 miles twice in the build up is not to be recommended and things were about to get a whole lot worse! Some last minute course changes, meant that what the organizers had described as "undulating" had turned into one of Britain's hardest road marathons - incorporating 2100ft of ascent - equivalent to running a more challenging course than the Hogweed Hilly half twice in a row! Despite the wheels coming off around 20 miles, as the relentless hills took their toil, John hung in to finish 3rd in a time of 3.02.07. The winner was Hastings runner James Mountford, who clocked 2.55.40. James chose the race to make his debut at the distance, due to its proximity to his home! Let's hope the experience hasn't put him off, as with a half PB of 75 minutes, a sub 2.45 should be a formality for him on a competitive course!

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