Monday, 15 August 2011

Harriers performances in vain as Yate are relegated

Yate AC were sadly relegated from Division 2 of the Midland League, following a gallant performance at the Aldersley Leisure Village in Wolverhampton. Missing several key stars, Anthony Glover and John Terry made up the numbers in the 800m, 1500m and 3000m. Anthony running 2.16.3 in the 800m, 4.35.7 in the 1500m and 10.18.7 in the 3000m. Terry meanwhile managed 2.21.8 in the 800m and 10.00.1 in the 3000m.

The women were more successful with Debbie Marsden finishing 2nd in two A races - 10.40.5 in the 3000m and 4.57.4 in the 1500m and Kelly Winstone finishing 2nd in the 3000m B race and 5th in the 1500m B race in 11.51.9 and 5.44.7.

Well done to all who've run this season!

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