Monday, 10 October 2011

Harriers make strong start to the Gwent League

With the Senior Results in, our men and women have made one of the best starts to the league in our recent history. The men are currently 3rd in Division 1 with 1490 points, behind Swansea and Cardiff. The ladies are doing even better, currently leading Division 1 from Les Croupiers and Cardiff. For the men that represents a huge improvement over last year, where they finished 7th in the first round, before gaining momentum to eventually finish 4th, just behind Neath. This season they promised a much stronger start and delivered, with Matt Ellis, John Collier, Simon Everington, Anthony Glover and John Terry finishing between 18th and 52nd place!

Our men's B team are also 3rd in the reserve division, as are our ladies!

Great running guys and girls!!!

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