Sunday, 20 November 2011

Weekend Round Up!

For the 2nd weekend in a row John Collier doubled up and with some success! On Saturday he finished 2nd in the Bushy Park Park Run, running a cracking time of 15.49, although he was someway behind winner Paul Pollock who ran an outstanding 14.33! Then today he tackled the Epsom Downs 10m race, finishing 2nd again in a time of 55.52 and pocketing £70 in the process! Great running JC!

On Saturday Julian Wilson braved the Ashton Court Park Run, clocking 25.00 for the hilly course! Sunday saw Tim Synge take on the Castle Combe 10k, where he finished in a respectable time of 45.57, particularly considering he was one of 7 Harriers who took part in the Duathlon earlier in the morning! The others were David George, Andrew Lornvardos, Richard Hughes, James Cant, Ian Louden and Clair Cusack. At the same venue, Will Massey finished 21st representing the University of Plymouth in the Inter-University Duathlon championships!

Also in action today were Lizzy Smith who broke her PB again with a time of 38.03 at the Swindon 10k. Ken Ham finished 2nd and top vet in the new Bath 10k multi-terrain race! Well done to all of you!!!

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